Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~wat the FCUK???~~

(nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! dalam hati aku menjerit!!)

ok..fheww...fheeww...and fhew....i will make it short as possible... i waited this job for so long!!!(wildlife exec at sunway that has been advertised at jobstreet one month ago!!!!!!)...fine..my dream job ever!!! plus..it related to my weird course also... back then..i called that company(sunway lagoon) and she said that...'I ALREADY CLOSE THAT ADVERTISEMENT BCOZ THAT JOB IS NOT AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW'....wat the fuck??? dah tau xnk org...nape g advertise kan???

(not 4 weeks...3 MONTHS OKEH!!!!!!!!!!aracchiiii???)

haaaaaaa....xtau ape yg aku rase skng...macam2 dah berlaku...sbb aku byk sgt dosa ker?? huh? huh? huh? xlarat dah la... kalo aku ni bukan manusia...dah lame berkecai pecah kot....sabor jela ngn ujian2 Allah nih...fhew... sabar?? aku dah bersabar je...berbulan2 aku bersabar... dah xlarat...ottukey??

ibarat...jatuh ditimpa tangga..pastu kene gelek2 lg ngn treler...~~~oh..pe nasib aku neh?

(Ya Allah...sedey gle...mampu ke aku bertahan ngn ujianMu ni?? permudahkan la segala urusan ku YA ALLAH...(T_T)v~

tp...my ausy bg nasihat neh...huhuuhu

'ko nk idop ko yg skrg ke, atau pon ko nak tibe2 diagnose kena kanser tulang..biasalah kita manusia biasa je weh. ada time2 tu rasa down sangat dah tak tahan..aku pon 2x5 cam ko gak tp aku selalu ingatkan diri aku ni. xde benda yg xgembira? abes tu watpe Allah bagi aku cukup sifat. ni pon xgembira lagi? ada 2 3 kawan yg kite leh count on pon dah cukup dah . xde bapak pon, ada mak yg jaga. nak cakap penat bersabar, layak ke kalo aku nk cakap camtu sedangkan kita ni diujicamni je. belom lagi ko berdepan ngan yahudi nk pancung kepala soh ko murtad sume mmg aku pon selalu je pk macam2, xpuas hati tu ini..rasa cam nape kita camni je idop orang laen lebey lagi sebab mgkin kita x kuat usaha, kita x byk berdoa, dan kita byk lupa kaT allah, byk sangat hal dunia kita pk kan. tu yg sakit kepala. then bandingkan je ngan orang2 miskin. baru kita selalu bersyukur. "

thanx beb..lega sket...fhew!!!! hope aku positif plak pasni...

last but not least...nasib baik ade back up...keje as translator..belasah sudey...hope dapat..~

THANX TO BOTH OF THEM for support me!!!

(sayang kauuuuuu ausy!! hahaha) ---------------- (thanx bonyet gdik..dah bertunang ye..haha)

Monday, June 28, 2010

mulut cam kene gam!~

(errkk....ape yg berlaku pada saye????)

kali ni..pasal aku yg rase nye makin kurang communication skills...aku makin perasan bile si kembar(cousin) aku dtg... dulu2..aku selalu kacau2 dorg...main2 ngn cousin2 aku kat kampung..(Aku lak lebih dr bebudak) dorg siap suh aku men tali lompat2 tuh...tp... kali ni.. aku rase.. aku dah x cam dulu... pelik... sgt pelik... even saudara mara datang... aku jd pendiam..bukan malu... just xtau nk cakap aper... dulu aku mmg kepoh...pandai bercakap sume.. skng.. xtau kenapa..n apa dah jadi ngn aku... bingung btoi..

(umang ai...penin pala den memikior nye yop~~garu2*~)

bila dorg dtg...aku lebeh ske dok bilik... men komputer.. facebook n treasure isle of course.. hahaha... waaaaaaaaaaa!!! mane sifat2 aku yg kepoh dulu???? aku dah x banyak cakap... (sbb..kekadang xtau nk cakap ape...xtau nk stat dr mana.. n cam mane nk cakap...) fhew...agak parah r skng.

(skng aku dah level 35...men volcano isle..hahaha..addicted gak la..ciss!)

yela..bukan ape...kang cakap tah pape...merapu..pelik jer...even nk cakap2 merapu pn xde idea...trus blank... haaa...bukan stakat sedara mara...kekadang..even org yg aku xkenal nk sembang2...aku cam blur...diam...xtau nk cakap aper..sometimes r..tgk org gak.. kalo dorg tegur.. n kepoh ke.. mmg aku leh join gak la...cth cm kawan2 ausy..mmg cm geng r plak..even sehari je kenal...huhuhu..


aku yg makin pendiam...maybe hormon kepoh dah berkurangan due to my age yg makin meningkat ni~sob3....

m(_ _")v

~denasor ijau yang gelabah~

fhew...dah berabuk blog aku ni...haha..dah lame x update...well..xde story yg da bomb pn nk cte...tp...ni pasal 2 weeks before... kisah jejak kekasih bersama member aku yg since skewl x penah2 jumpe...my LIL' LULU...lain gle tgk die...sbb braces dah xde!! miss her braces..haha... okeh2.. sblm cte pasal denasor ijau yg leh wat aku mereng kejap...aku nk cte pasal satu bende... before kitorg tgk cte toy story 3 which is the best cartoon movie in 2010(besttttt siotttttt!!! rase cm dapat candy tgk cte tuh..hahahaha..)..kitorg g makan la kat food court mid baley(again...nk muntah dah aku g sane!)

(hepi cm dpt lolipop..slurppppp)

cte yg sebenarnye...time lalu kat situ..aku cm familiar gle dgr org tuh dok sebut...ANYONGHASEYO...tiap org lalu..mesti die sebut...adoi... ade ahjushi korea la plak dok promote makanan dorg...heh..aku ni...dgr je korea....trus tuju kat situ...cam ade magnet tarik... mmg cara dorg niaga cmni kot..peramah...n leh tahan gak la ahjushi tuh..kulit putih!!!wowww!! hahahaha.... ngn tgh kebulur... trus g je tmpt korean cuisine...fine...skali die promote ngn laju nye..sepatah ape aku xpaham..padahal...tgk cte korea tiap2 ari!!! aigooo... skali..ade bimbibap vege...blasah sudey... yg best nye...ade KIMCHI OKEH!!! dah lame aku tringin nk makan... hmm...bout the taste...aku rase.. sedap gak la... dah jeruk kan...masam2 pedas...mmg kene la ngn taste aku..die siap bg seaweed soup...potato ape tah lg...mmg korea abes la ritu!!!

(mak..sedap gak kimchi ni..kamsamnida ahjushi..i will visit ur cuisine next time!)

sbb aku bercakap time makan...so...nasik tuh mmg x abes la...byk masuk angin kot..hahahaha... tp..sedap la...pastu... kitorg g tgk la cte toy story 3..aku mmg dah tgu lame dah cte neh... at last!!!!!!! aku yg kureng sket feeling tgk movie...leh jadi mereng kejap pas tgk cte ni...(maybe aku gile sgt ngn cte kartun kot..hahahaha...)... yg x leh blah..ade brader yg dok 2nd sit sblah aku..leh melatah time si monyet yg jage cctv tuh jerit...adoi...lawak la lu bro...... haha... i loike DENASOR IJO YG GELABAH TUH!!! ade kat toy 'r us...fuh..tgu la ko minatang ijo..aku beli ko nnt!!! cute gle time glabah!! haha...

(where's my tail???oh......whereeeeeee is my tail??????hahaha..cute la! hish geram akuh!!!)

(korang sgt chomel!!!!!!! amaran..sile hargai toy korang!!!)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

~saye....rindu awak.....~~

(antara babak ala2 korea sikit...hahaha...)

fuh...seperti biasa..aku mmg selalu akan menunggu kawan2 aku..(sofia..ko je yg tgu aku...terharu okeh!).. so...aku tgu dlm nk kat sejam gak la..si emot kerang ngn adik nye nek KTM-yg di benci tuh~sbb tuh dorg lewat...haha.. actually...dah seminggu aku tgu nk tgk cte neh...tp...emot lak demam kura2 last week..so...nsb bek dpt tgk cte ni gak..AT LAST! errr... ni...1st malay movie la aku tgk!! hahahaha... maybe..sbb jalan cte die agak menarik..so...layannnnnnnnnnnnnn~~

1st comment:-

huh...aku nk komen ni...bukan aku x puas ati sbb cte ni x besh ke ape...cite ni besh...tp... terlampau singkat sgt cte tuh!!! time dorg mule2 kenal pn...cm..ehh..cpt nye korg ni...xde ke part2 best time dorg tgh syiok2 same sendri??? haaa... mksd nye...cm xpuas la tgk... part lomantik sket jek...(er..part paling sakit ati..bile que belasah ayu la..mmg...hishh!! jahanammmmpunye jantan!!! aku=tutup muka la...xsanggup tgk...kalo aku tmpt ayu tuh...aku dah jd pembunuh kot!!!! aku siat2 jantan cmtuh!!arghhh!!!)

(sampai aku tutup mata...xsanggup tgk ayu kene pukul!!! scary la..benci laki pukul pmpn...!!)

2nd comment:-

hmm...scene lisa pendek sgt laaaaaaa!!! kenape die x jd pmpn ke 2? baru la lame sket... kitorg ni..g tgk cte tuh smata2 nk tgk lisa...she's soooooooooooooo gorgeous okeh!! aku penah nmpk depan2 die tgh wat iklan kat tmpt komuter...mmg=cantik!!! sbg pmpn pn...mmg aku puji la die cantik...hope..perangai dei pn cantik cm die la..haha....or..buat la lisa ilang kaki ke kan...so...die berlakon sepenuhnye la..adeh~..

(ni aku...cantik kan aku?? hahhaha!!!!)
3rd comment:-

hmm...patut wat DRAMA la cte ni...baru panjang sket..leh tacing lebey2!!! plus..lagu die dlm cte tuh...leh buat aku teringt2 sgt smpi skng..hahaha.. sure meletops la cte ni...

tp..cte ni xde la berjaya wat aku nangis kot...aku siap leh bergelak2 ngn emot n adik die.. bukan xde perasaan okeh..just..x smpi feeling tuh..plus..ramai org...leh ke nk tacing2?? bising kot dlm tuh..hahaha..

(adik emot g wat lawak plak..mane aku leh tahan nk gelak!! hahaha)

btw...tahniah to all of them la..mmg best...cume...xpuas ati sbb pendek sgt cte nyeh..so..ade lg 3 movie aku x tgk lagi...

1)karate kids!
2)nanny mcphee
3)toy story 3!!!(ni dah lame aku tgu!! even..er...partner tgk cte kartun dah ilang...hik3)

meh layan lagu sat,,tacing r lagu neh..suke!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jay Chou Superman Cant Fly..love him!

~this is jay chou's latest song...and..this lyrics specifically tribute to his 10 years journey being a singer and songs writer...
(pss..i like him since im 13 years old!hehe)

(eng translation~ the best~)

Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
If scolding someone requires some skills
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)

My gun is not loaded with ammunition
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination

Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
Because my life do not need another award
I don't know when I have become a society's role model

Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
Because it might become teaching material anytime

Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
I must take care of my image at all times
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)

There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
When will mine be seen there?
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better

Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
Don't ask me if I have cried
Because Superman can't cry
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer

A newcomer award is not enough if you act
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
When you won an award and teared , people will think you are fake and exaggerating

When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up

Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
My album must be ranked top once released
My movie must sell well
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult

If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
Don't ask me if I have cried

Because Superman can't cry

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

~ hey...i will visit this place oneday..for sure!!!!~

(the best sunset picture taken...i wish i can be there and watch it for real!)

African Safari is the no 1 in top list country that i MUST VISIT!!! why? heh.. maybe because of my passion towards animals is too much... "ANIMALS IS MY PASSION"..heh heh... or...maybe bcoz of i'm zoolu!! v(^_^)..

Actually..maybe my interest towards them is running to my vein and my blood! my great grandmother( i think both side of my parents) do like animals...based on what my mother said... my moyang pets a lots of cats till the end of her life! Amazing ryte?!! hahaha..

plus...there's many ways and guides we can search to travel... so..no need to worry.. all that you need is just....M.O.N.E.Y!!!

this is my 10 years of planning laa... and for sure..i have to plan it very well...and maybe it would be my 'honeymoon' destination (hahahahhahaha...i wish it to be!!).. 0r..i just go with my friends!!! (hey..i hope i have friends that have same interest with me though!!)

these can be my inspirational to save the money!! (sikit2...lame2 jadi bukit...jom kumpul duit skng weh!!!)

so..lets enjoy a few pic that i took from internet..sure you'll be amazed !!!

(the leopard cat..spot the diff between them and cheetah..heh2.. i know the right answer!!=p)

(aigoo...they are gorgeous!! the cheetah and her 'chitty2 bang2..ahaha..cute kan?)


(my 2nd nickname...zirafah..because of my long neck!! ni cik tasha yg panggil..haha)

(really wish i can get nearer to them like this!! wooohooo!! eventhough i'd touched lion at zoo..but..it's still different)

(sedara KANI ker?? haha)

(wish i can hold them!! or..pet them!! adoi!! pesal la korg ni cute sangat????!!!)


(why african elephants are called AFRICAN elephant?? that's because...their ears looks like an africa's map!!) v(^_^)

that's all from me.. hehe...and wish my dreams come true!! insyaallah..(^__^)v

Monday, June 7, 2010


here again..my simple n short post...

about what?? yeah... this time.. hmm.. about i'd read someone's blog.. after awhile..he deleted his blog.. but.. thanx for your 'nice' words though~ and.. may god bless you... :)

oh yeah.. i make mistakes too~

(i was like...hohhhhh???? hmm... its okey then..cause i knw it would happened again~)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

~kenapa uols x faham2 bahasa neh??~

(kakak,adik n si HIRO)

uhurm.. todays..paksu aku coming from penang...ngn si kembar yg sgt chomel tuh... tp.. kesian r dorg..aku x berapa layan sgt rini..slalu nye..aku suke usik2 dorg.. tetibe aku rase kekok.. xreti plak nk main2 ngn dorg..dulu.. sbb ade si HIRO..leh la ajak dorg main... n im proud... u knw wats.. THEY REALLY LOIKE ANIMALS!! heh..tgk la dorg cousin sape kan?? ZOOLU kot.. kesian korg okeh!!! lenkali kite main2 lg...haha..(plus..they like my hamsters too!!)

(xdapat tgk cte neh!!! choi...ade plak the garden x tayang cte neh...mid plak que panjang..haishh.. gara2 nk belagak ngn emot berdaulat..melepas aku..hahaha)

okeh..sebenarnye..bukan nk cte pasal ni..ni intro je.. so.. mmg plan dah neh nk kuar g mid ngn copia..tgk cte lagenda budak shaiton.. On my way.. yeah.. i have to use the-most-hateful-public transport which is..... KOMUTER!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh.... ni yg aku nk cte ni.. kan mmg dah start pasal penggunaan KOC WANITA..kaler pink..tulisan besar2 gabak!!! yang paling heran...... manusia yg bernama LELAKI...(certain laki la),,, mmg xpaham2 bahasa!!!!!!!! weh... KORANG BUTA HURUF KER?? DAH NAMPAK BESAR2 TULISAN UTK WANITA SAHAJA!!

(susah sangat ke nak faham tulisan ni? if xreti bace.. tgk kaler pn tau kot!! B*****!!!!)

ni x... nakkkkkkkkkkk jugakkkkkkkkkk naik....wat stone gileeeeeeeeeeeee depan2 tuh!!! pastu.. macam budak2 bodoh...bile pak guard datang halau...baru nk kuar... kene marah baru buat2 perasan... adoi...common..kalo dak2 kecik..leh trime...ni x...sume dah besar..aku rase..rakyat malaysia xde yg buta huruf kot... pelik sgt nape dorg still nak naik jugak.. (gatal sgt dah kot... tp...sedih gak la...pmpn pn dah x terckp...kang nak maki2 dorg dlm tuh... kang x pasal2 kene belasah...xke naya plak kan?? diam jela... dah ade org otak keras...mmg xleh tlg..sian tgk manusia x skola nih... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! kalo leh..mmg ak sedaya upaya kurang kan penggunaan KTM dah...kecuali hal2 penting.. aku rase cm.. nak tepukkkkkkk je dahi laki2 yg buta tuli tuh... macam susah sangat nk ikot arahan...xpaham aku...sigh*


(to those who followed the rules..two thumbs up from us!! LOSER just for those who are stiupid~)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

HAN HYO JOO MV 너 하나만 (One of You) 찬란한 유산 Brilliant Legacy

have to admit...she's damnnn beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!addicted to this song!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~wat the FCUK???~~

(nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! dalam hati aku menjerit!!)

ok..fheww...fheeww...and fhew....i will make it short as possible... i waited this job for so long!!!(wildlife exec at sunway that has been advertised at jobstreet one month ago!!!!!!)...fine..my dream job ever!!! plus..it related to my weird course also... back then..i called that company(sunway lagoon) and she said that...'I ALREADY CLOSE THAT ADVERTISEMENT BCOZ THAT JOB IS NOT AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW'....wat the fuck??? dah tau xnk org...nape g advertise kan???

(not 4 weeks...3 MONTHS OKEH!!!!!!!!!!aracchiiii???)

haaaaaaa....xtau ape yg aku rase skng...macam2 dah berlaku...sbb aku byk sgt dosa ker?? huh? huh? huh? xlarat dah la... kalo aku ni bukan manusia...dah lame berkecai pecah kot....sabor jela ngn ujian2 Allah nih...fhew... sabar?? aku dah bersabar je...berbulan2 aku bersabar... dah xlarat...ottukey??

ibarat...jatuh ditimpa tangga..pastu kene gelek2 lg ngn treler...~~~oh..pe nasib aku neh?

(Ya Allah...sedey gle...mampu ke aku bertahan ngn ujianMu ni?? permudahkan la segala urusan ku YA ALLAH...(T_T)v~

tp...my ausy bg nasihat neh...huhuuhu

'ko nk idop ko yg skrg ke, atau pon ko nak tibe2 diagnose kena kanser tulang..biasalah kita manusia biasa je weh. ada time2 tu rasa down sangat dah tak tahan..aku pon 2x5 cam ko gak tp aku selalu ingatkan diri aku ni. xde benda yg xgembira? abes tu watpe Allah bagi aku cukup sifat. ni pon xgembira lagi? ada 2 3 kawan yg kite leh count on pon dah cukup dah . xde bapak pon, ada mak yg jaga. nak cakap penat bersabar, layak ke kalo aku nk cakap camtu sedangkan kita ni diujicamni je. belom lagi ko berdepan ngan yahudi nk pancung kepala soh ko murtad sume mmg aku pon selalu je pk macam2, xpuas hati tu ini..rasa cam nape kita camni je idop orang laen lebey lagi sebab mgkin kita x kuat usaha, kita x byk berdoa, dan kita byk lupa kaT allah, byk sangat hal dunia kita pk kan. tu yg sakit kepala. then bandingkan je ngan orang2 miskin. baru kita selalu bersyukur. "

thanx beb..lega sket...fhew!!!! hope aku positif plak pasni...

last but not least...nasib baik ade back up...keje as translator..belasah sudey...hope dapat..~

THANX TO BOTH OF THEM for support me!!!

(sayang kauuuuuu ausy!! hahaha) ---------------- (thanx bonyet gdik..dah bertunang ye..haha)

Monday, June 28, 2010

mulut cam kene gam!~

(errkk....ape yg berlaku pada saye????)

kali ni..pasal aku yg rase nye makin kurang communication skills...aku makin perasan bile si kembar(cousin) aku dtg... dulu2..aku selalu kacau2 dorg...main2 ngn cousin2 aku kat kampung..(Aku lak lebih dr bebudak) dorg siap suh aku men tali lompat2 tuh...tp... kali ni.. aku rase.. aku dah x cam dulu... pelik... sgt pelik... even saudara mara datang... aku jd pendiam..bukan malu... just xtau nk cakap aper... dulu aku mmg kepoh...pandai bercakap sume.. skng.. xtau kenapa..n apa dah jadi ngn aku... bingung btoi..

(umang ai...penin pala den memikior nye yop~~garu2*~)

bila dorg dtg...aku lebeh ske dok bilik... men komputer.. facebook n treasure isle of course.. hahaha... waaaaaaaaaaa!!! mane sifat2 aku yg kepoh dulu???? aku dah x banyak cakap... (sbb..kekadang xtau nk cakap ape...xtau nk stat dr mana.. n cam mane nk cakap...) fhew...agak parah r skng.

(skng aku dah level 35...men volcano isle..hahaha..addicted gak la..ciss!)

yela..bukan ape...kang cakap tah pape...merapu..pelik jer...even nk cakap2 merapu pn xde idea...trus blank... haaa...bukan stakat sedara mara...kekadang..even org yg aku xkenal nk sembang2...aku cam blur...diam...xtau nk cakap aper..sometimes r..tgk org gak.. kalo dorg tegur.. n kepoh ke.. mmg aku leh join gak la...cth cm kawan2 ausy..mmg cm geng r plak..even sehari je kenal...huhuhu..


aku yg makin pendiam...maybe hormon kepoh dah berkurangan due to my age yg makin meningkat ni~sob3....

m(_ _")v

~denasor ijau yang gelabah~

fhew...dah berabuk blog aku ni...haha..dah lame x update...well..xde story yg da bomb pn nk cte...tp...ni pasal 2 weeks before... kisah jejak kekasih bersama member aku yg since skewl x penah2 jumpe...my LIL' LULU...lain gle tgk die...sbb braces dah xde!! miss her braces..haha... okeh2.. sblm cte pasal denasor ijau yg leh wat aku mereng kejap...aku nk cte pasal satu bende... before kitorg tgk cte toy story 3 which is the best cartoon movie in 2010(besttttt siotttttt!!! rase cm dapat candy tgk cte tuh..hahahaha..)..kitorg g makan la kat food court mid baley(again...nk muntah dah aku g sane!)

(hepi cm dpt lolipop..slurppppp)

cte yg sebenarnye...time lalu kat situ..aku cm familiar gle dgr org tuh dok sebut...ANYONGHASEYO...tiap org lalu..mesti die sebut...adoi... ade ahjushi korea la plak dok promote makanan dorg...heh..aku ni...dgr je korea....trus tuju kat situ...cam ade magnet tarik... mmg cara dorg niaga cmni kot..peramah...n leh tahan gak la ahjushi tuh..kulit putih!!!wowww!! hahahaha.... ngn tgh kebulur... trus g je tmpt korean cuisine...fine...skali die promote ngn laju nye..sepatah ape aku xpaham..padahal...tgk cte korea tiap2 ari!!! aigooo... skali..ade bimbibap vege...blasah sudey... yg best nye...ade KIMCHI OKEH!!! dah lame aku tringin nk makan... hmm...bout the taste...aku rase.. sedap gak la... dah jeruk kan...masam2 pedas...mmg kene la ngn taste aku..die siap bg seaweed soup...potato ape tah lg...mmg korea abes la ritu!!!

(mak..sedap gak kimchi ni..kamsamnida ahjushi..i will visit ur cuisine next time!)

sbb aku bercakap time makan...so...nasik tuh mmg x abes la...byk masuk angin kot..hahahaha... tp..sedap la...pastu... kitorg g tgk la cte toy story 3..aku mmg dah tgu lame dah cte neh... at last!!!!!!! aku yg kureng sket feeling tgk movie...leh jadi mereng kejap pas tgk cte ni...(maybe aku gile sgt ngn cte kartun kot..hahahaha...)... yg x leh blah..ade brader yg dok 2nd sit sblah aku..leh melatah time si monyet yg jage cctv tuh jerit...adoi...lawak la lu bro...... haha... i loike DENASOR IJO YG GELABAH TUH!!! ade kat toy 'r us...fuh..tgu la ko minatang ijo..aku beli ko nnt!!! cute gle time glabah!! haha...

(where's my tail???oh......whereeeeeee is my tail??????hahaha..cute la! hish geram akuh!!!)

(korang sgt chomel!!!!!!! amaran..sile hargai toy korang!!!)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

~saye....rindu awak.....~~

(antara babak ala2 korea sikit...hahaha...)

fuh...seperti biasa..aku mmg selalu akan menunggu kawan2 aku..(sofia..ko je yg tgu aku...terharu okeh!).. so...aku tgu dlm nk kat sejam gak la..si emot kerang ngn adik nye nek KTM-yg di benci tuh~sbb tuh dorg lewat...haha.. actually...dah seminggu aku tgu nk tgk cte neh...tp...emot lak demam kura2 last week..so...nsb bek dpt tgk cte ni gak..AT LAST! errr... ni...1st malay movie la aku tgk!! hahahaha... maybe..sbb jalan cte die agak menarik..so...layannnnnnnnnnnnnn~~

1st comment:-

huh...aku nk komen ni...bukan aku x puas ati sbb cte ni x besh ke ape...cite ni besh...tp... terlampau singkat sgt cte tuh!!! time dorg mule2 kenal pn...cm..ehh..cpt nye korg ni...xde ke part2 best time dorg tgh syiok2 same sendri??? haaa... mksd nye...cm xpuas la tgk... part lomantik sket jek...(er..part paling sakit ati..bile que belasah ayu la..mmg...hishh!! jahanammmmpunye jantan!!! aku=tutup muka la...xsanggup tgk...kalo aku tmpt ayu tuh...aku dah jd pembunuh kot!!!! aku siat2 jantan cmtuh!!arghhh!!!)

(sampai aku tutup mata...xsanggup tgk ayu kene pukul!!! scary la..benci laki pukul pmpn...!!)

2nd comment:-

hmm...scene lisa pendek sgt laaaaaaa!!! kenape die x jd pmpn ke 2? baru la lame sket... kitorg ni..g tgk cte tuh smata2 nk tgk lisa...she's soooooooooooooo gorgeous okeh!! aku penah nmpk depan2 die tgh wat iklan kat tmpt komuter...mmg=cantik!!! sbg pmpn pn...mmg aku puji la die cantik...hope..perangai dei pn cantik cm die la..haha....or..buat la lisa ilang kaki ke kan...so...die berlakon sepenuhnye la..adeh~..

(ni aku...cantik kan aku?? hahhaha!!!!)
3rd comment:-

hmm...patut wat DRAMA la cte ni...baru panjang sket..leh tacing lebey2!!! plus..lagu die dlm cte tuh...leh buat aku teringt2 sgt smpi skng..hahaha.. sure meletops la cte ni...

tp..cte ni xde la berjaya wat aku nangis kot...aku siap leh bergelak2 ngn emot n adik die.. bukan xde perasaan okeh..just..x smpi feeling tuh..plus..ramai org...leh ke nk tacing2?? bising kot dlm tuh..hahaha..

(adik emot g wat lawak plak..mane aku leh tahan nk gelak!! hahaha)

btw...tahniah to all of them la..mmg best...cume...xpuas ati sbb pendek sgt cte nyeh..so..ade lg 3 movie aku x tgk lagi...

1)karate kids!
2)nanny mcphee
3)toy story 3!!!(ni dah lame aku tgu!! even..er...partner tgk cte kartun dah ilang...hik3)

meh layan lagu sat,,tacing r lagu neh..suke!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jay Chou Superman Cant Fly..love him!

~this is jay chou's latest song...and..this lyrics specifically tribute to his 10 years journey being a singer and songs writer...
(pss..i like him since im 13 years old!hehe)

(eng translation~ the best~)

Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
If scolding someone requires some skills
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)

My gun is not loaded with ammunition
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination

Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
Because my life do not need another award
I don't know when I have become a society's role model

Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
Because it might become teaching material anytime

Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
I must take care of my image at all times
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)

There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
When will mine be seen there?
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better

Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
Don't ask me if I have cried
Because Superman can't cry
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer

A newcomer award is not enough if you act
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
When you won an award and teared , people will think you are fake and exaggerating

When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up

Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
My album must be ranked top once released
My movie must sell well
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult

If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
Don't ask me if I have cried

Because Superman can't cry

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

~ hey...i will visit this place oneday..for sure!!!!~

(the best sunset picture taken...i wish i can be there and watch it for real!)

African Safari is the no 1 in top list country that i MUST VISIT!!! why? heh.. maybe because of my passion towards animals is too much... "ANIMALS IS MY PASSION"..heh heh... or...maybe bcoz of i'm zoolu!! v(^_^)..

Actually..maybe my interest towards them is running to my vein and my blood! my great grandmother( i think both side of my parents) do like animals...based on what my mother said... my moyang pets a lots of cats till the end of her life! Amazing ryte?!! hahaha..

plus...there's many ways and guides we can search to travel... so..no need to worry.. all that you need is just....M.O.N.E.Y!!!

this is my 10 years of planning laa... and for sure..i have to plan it very well...and maybe it would be my 'honeymoon' destination (hahahahhahaha...i wish it to be!!).. 0r..i just go with my friends!!! (hey..i hope i have friends that have same interest with me though!!)

these can be my inspirational to save the money!! (sikit2...lame2 jadi bukit...jom kumpul duit skng weh!!!)

so..lets enjoy a few pic that i took from internet..sure you'll be amazed !!!

(the leopard cat..spot the diff between them and cheetah..heh2.. i know the right answer!!=p)

(aigoo...they are gorgeous!! the cheetah and her 'chitty2 bang2..ahaha..cute kan?)


(my 2nd nickname...zirafah..because of my long neck!! ni cik tasha yg panggil..haha)

(really wish i can get nearer to them like this!! wooohooo!! eventhough i'd touched lion at zoo..but..it's still different)

(sedara KANI ker?? haha)

(wish i can hold them!! or..pet them!! adoi!! pesal la korg ni cute sangat????!!!)


(why african elephants are called AFRICAN elephant?? that's because...their ears looks like an africa's map!!) v(^_^)

that's all from me.. hehe...and wish my dreams come true!! insyaallah..(^__^)v

Monday, June 7, 2010


here again..my simple n short post...

about what?? yeah... this time.. hmm.. about i'd read someone's blog.. after awhile..he deleted his blog.. but.. thanx for your 'nice' words though~ and.. may god bless you... :)

oh yeah.. i make mistakes too~

(i was like...hohhhhh???? hmm... its okey then..cause i knw it would happened again~)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

~kenapa uols x faham2 bahasa neh??~

(kakak,adik n si HIRO)

uhurm.. todays..paksu aku coming from penang...ngn si kembar yg sgt chomel tuh... tp.. kesian r dorg..aku x berapa layan sgt rini..slalu nye..aku suke usik2 dorg.. tetibe aku rase kekok.. xreti plak nk main2 ngn dorg..dulu.. sbb ade si HIRO..leh la ajak dorg main... n im proud... u knw wats.. THEY REALLY LOIKE ANIMALS!! heh..tgk la dorg cousin sape kan?? ZOOLU kot.. kesian korg okeh!!! lenkali kite main2 lg...haha..(plus..they like my hamsters too!!)

(xdapat tgk cte neh!!! choi...ade plak the garden x tayang cte neh...mid plak que panjang..haishh.. gara2 nk belagak ngn emot berdaulat..melepas aku..hahaha)

okeh..sebenarnye..bukan nk cte pasal ni..ni intro je.. so.. mmg plan dah neh nk kuar g mid ngn copia..tgk cte lagenda budak shaiton.. On my way.. yeah.. i have to use the-most-hateful-public transport which is..... KOMUTER!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhh.... ni yg aku nk cte ni.. kan mmg dah start pasal penggunaan KOC WANITA..kaler pink..tulisan besar2 gabak!!! yang paling heran...... manusia yg bernama LELAKI...(certain laki la),,, mmg xpaham2 bahasa!!!!!!!! weh... KORANG BUTA HURUF KER?? DAH NAMPAK BESAR2 TULISAN UTK WANITA SAHAJA!!

(susah sangat ke nak faham tulisan ni? if xreti bace.. tgk kaler pn tau kot!! B*****!!!!)

ni x... nakkkkkkkkkkk jugakkkkkkkkkk naik....wat stone gileeeeeeeeeeeee depan2 tuh!!! pastu.. macam budak2 bodoh...bile pak guard datang halau...baru nk kuar... kene marah baru buat2 perasan... adoi...common..kalo dak2 kecik..leh trime...ni x...sume dah besar..aku rase..rakyat malaysia xde yg buta huruf kot... pelik sgt nape dorg still nak naik jugak.. (gatal sgt dah kot... tp...sedih gak la...pmpn pn dah x terckp...kang nak maki2 dorg dlm tuh... kang x pasal2 kene belasah...xke naya plak kan?? diam jela... dah ade org otak keras...mmg xleh tlg..sian tgk manusia x skola nih... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! kalo leh..mmg ak sedaya upaya kurang kan penggunaan KTM dah...kecuali hal2 penting.. aku rase cm.. nak tepukkkkkkk je dahi laki2 yg buta tuli tuh... macam susah sangat nk ikot arahan...xpaham aku...sigh*


(to those who followed the rules..two thumbs up from us!! LOSER just for those who are stiupid~)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

HAN HYO JOO MV 너 하나만 (One of You) 찬란한 유산 Brilliant Legacy

have to admit...she's damnnn beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!addicted to this song!!